Tokyo based artist Kei Kato explores the ambivalent and relationships the emotions, drawing from her experiences in New York where she studied fine art.
With a background in drawing and oil painting, a strong understanding of anatomy and human expression often surfaces in her artwork. Based on the chiaroscuro technique, she incorporates opposing elements such as yin and yang, death and life, etc., which is characteristic of her work. Currently, she continues to explore these themes with a film camera.
油絵とアナトミーとCONTAX T2
現在はフィルムカメラ(CONTAX T2)での活動を続けているアーティストである。
【Artist Profile】
Tokyo based artist Kei Kato explores the ambivalent and relationships the emotions, drawing from her experiences in New York where she studied fine art.
With a background in drawing and oil painting, a strong understanding of anatomy and human expression often surfaces in her artwork. Based on the chiaroscuro technique, she incorporates opposing elements such as yin and yang, death and life, etc., which is characteristic of her work. Currently, she continues to explore these themes with a film camera.